2024 Grant Recipients

2024 Premier Multi-Year Grant

2024 Multi-Year Grant: 

Upper Room $50,000

This was our pilot program and nonprofits were invited to apply for our first ever capacity building grant.  The committee received 6 proposals and put 3 of them to the members to vote on.  Women’s Fund El Dorado (WFED) members selected the Upper Room Dining Hall as the first Multi Year Grant recipient. The $50,000 grant will be used to serve more individuals and families by implementing a Mobile Meal Program, giving the Upper Room the flexibility to be “where we need to be when we need to be there.” The Upper Room previously raised funds to purchase a new Ford F59 truck. The WFED grant will be used in the coming months to build out the kitchen in their new food truck. Upper Room expects to put the food truck into operation in early 2025.

The two-year grant cycle begins on August 12, 2024 and ends on August 11, 2026.

Inspiration Grants

In 2022, WFED anticipates awarding a total of $119,000. Funding is broken down into the following categories:

Inspiration Grants

$60,000 total will be awarded. Applicants may apply for up to $30,000. Two grants will be awarded in this category. 

Impact Grants

$30,000 total will be awarded. Applicants may apply for up to $10,000. Three grants will be awarded in this category.

Acorn Grants

$29,000 total will be awarded. Applicants may apply for up to $10,000. Three grants will be awarded in this category. 

2022 Inspiration Grants

Acorn Grants (4 total awarded in 2024):  for any new western slope nonprofit or a nonprofit that has never received a grant from the Women’s Fund.

Sierra Wildlife Rescue $8,00

  • Sierra Wildlife Rescue Grant- expanding animal ambassador programs.

Fostering Success and Significance Project $8,000

  • Workshops for Student Success- to provide workshops to current/former foster youth like financial literacy, personal development and mental health care and many more.

Catalyst Community $6,000

  • Family Supply Closet- including toiletries, feminine hygiene products, and supply kits.

Community Emergency Radio Association $2,000

  • Auto Start Generator - to maintain communication in an emergency situation, even when PG&E Power goes down.

2022 Impact Grants


Impact Grants (3 total awarded in 2022): for nonprofit organizations offering direct impacts on the western slope of El Dorado County. This includes but is not limited to human services, such as those pertaining to mental or physical health, education, youth development, or services to children, families or seniors, arts, community beautification, animal welfare, or community development.

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