2023-24 WFED Cabinet
WFED is an organization truly run by its members. With only one paid employee, the Cabinet and Committees are run by members. Every member is eligible to join a committee and the unique insights provided by the diverse member perspectives makes our committees dynamic.
The WFED Cabinet is comprised of the chairs of the committees, a Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Founder. The Cabinet manages the fund, oversees the granting funds and is a collaborative group dedicated to the future and longevity of WFED.
Interested in getting more involved with WFED? Please consider joining a committee. New committee members join November 1 each year unless there is a mid-year opening. Please email WFED Vice-Chair, Teri Whitling for additional details, vicechair@womensfundeldorado.org.
Amarik Singh – Chair
Teri Whiting – Vice Chair
Ann Curtis– Past Chair
Francie Heim – Treasurer
Judy Morris - Secretary
Katy Peek – Founder
Rachel Stahl - Grants Chair
Lexie Smith-Kliebe–Site-Visit Chair
Raelene Nunn – Membership Chair
Terri Stratton – LightHouse Chair
Natalie Moore- Education Chair
Catherine Dickson Schwarzbach - Multi-year Grants Co-Chair
Deanne Johnson - Multi-year Grants Co-Chair
Natalie Moore, Chair
Dee Cutter
Beth Peterson
Tiffany Rolston
(On-Call As Needed)
Cathy Harris
Bonnie West
Carol Selb
Liz Drummond
Kelly Clark
Becky Galloway
Judy Tapson
Kathy Blankenship
Julie Willson
Michele Martin
Pam Roberts
Becky Harrison
Laura Jensen
Stephanie Shrum
Nancy Britton
Terry Kohlhardt
Francie Heim, Chair
Sakina Madraswala, EDCF Accountant
Ann Curtis, WFED Cabinet Past-Chair
Amarik Singh, WFED Cabinet Chair
Teri Whiting, WFED Cabinet Vice-Chair
TBD, Chair
Kathleen Tannous
Nannette Harris
Teri Abrahamzon
Michele Smith
Bev Jackson
Jennifer Priest
Terri Stratton, Chair
Connie Torgrimson
Robin Parker
Marian Washburn
Pam Roberts
Raelene Nunn, Chair
Devin Harris
Vera Nicholas
Betsey Coco
Becky Harrison
Catherine Dickson Schwarbach, Co-Chair
Deanne Johnson, Co-Chair
Michelle Martin
Anita Terry
Lynnee Boyes
Emily Smith
Lexie Smith-Kliebe, Chair
Kathy Levenson
Lynnee Boyes
Michele Martin
Valerie Bradley
Liz Drummond
Billie Hoover
Marssie Versola
Jen Berry
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